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Sensors and Transducers for JNTUH Final Year Complete Notes.

The Sensors and Transducers Course divided into 5 units:

In Unit I we will discuss about Measurements,  Errors, Sensor, Transducer and its Classification.

In Unit II we will discuss about Characteristics of TransducersStatic  & Dynamic 

In Unit III, IV, V we will discuss about Resistive Transducers, Inductive and Capacitive Transducer, Miscellaneous Transducers

Course Objectives:

To enable the students to select and design suitable instruments to meet the requirements of industrial applications and various transducers used for the measurement of various physical quantities and the following:

  1. Various types of Sensors & Transducers and their working principle
  2. Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive transducers
  3. Some of the miscellaneous transducers
  4. Characteristics of transducers

Course Outcomes:

  1. Student will be able to Distinguish, analyse different types of errors.
  2. Students will be able to apply transforms to obtain the characteristics of transducers.
  3. Students will be able to analyse the working principles of sensors and transducers.
  4. Students will be able to select and design suitable instruments to meet the requirements of industrial applications and various transducers used for the measurement of various physical quantities

For the complete syllabus click the link:

For Unit I Notes click the link:

For Unit II Notes click the link:

For Unit III Notes click the link:

For Unit IV Notes click the link:

Self inductive transducer – Mutual inductive transducers:


LVDT Frequency Response




Capacitive transducer: 

Capacitive transducer Numericals:

Capacitor microphone:

Reference Textbooks:

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